Teresa Newton-Terres, PMP


Project Tools, kNowledge, and Techniques...

Project management helps you to reach goals using proven methods because, you don't have to re-create wheels while driving your effort forward.  From idea to product, process, service or event...these common sense practices were helped Nehemiah build a wall and are available to you today and wielded globally by Project Management Professionals. Today, take the "PM Strategy Quiz"  see a resource, or contact Project-TNT.



Scope Statement*,




Communication Plan*,


Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)*,


Gantt Charts*,


Risk Plan*,


Estimates* (Time,

 Cost, Quality/Scope),


Change Control Forms,


Issues Log,


Roles and Responsibility Matrix*,



Triple Constraint Management 

Integration Management

Scope Management

Risk Management

Human Resource Management

Communication Management;


Use a PM Methodology map to facilitate team-work;

Gain Project Stakeholder Buy-in through: Charter Building Process to include the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS);

Use of Change Control Process to assist in Scope Management and Decision Making;

Leverage the POWER of PRAYER as a proven Risk Management practice to promote success and significance;


*Project Plan Parts


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