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Resources - PEC Fitness Center

Fitness Center Hours - (501) 212-4661 Class Schedule (Min. 2 per class & please bring water bottle

Monday - Friday- 0600-2000


* 600-630 Ab-Solutely (Bessy)

* 630-715 Boxing Aerobics (Bessy)

* 0630-0715 Push up & Sit up improvement (John)


* 630-715 Step-N-Sweat (Bessy)


* 600-630 Ab-Solutely  (Bessy)

* 630-730 Body Shaping (Bessy)

* 0630-0715 Push up & Sit up improvement (John)


*0600-0645 Spinning (Bessy)


* 0630-0715 Push up & Sit up improvement (John)

Saturday - 1100-1800


Sunday- 1200-1800


Ab-Solutely 30 minutes of intense abdominal work.
Step-n-Sweat Higher intesnity than Step, get ready to sweat in this class!
Body Shaping An all over body workout!  Using low weights and high repetitions to tone your body without bulking up.
Spinning A high impact workout.  Ir you think it's just sitting on a staionary bicycle, you need to come see us.  Don't forget to bring a water bottle.
Push up-sit up Improvement Designed to help increase APFT scores. A two miles run improvement segment follows the P/U, S/U portion at 700
Boxing Aerobic A high impact, aerobic working using CV training methods of boxing, this is an all over workout that will leave you exhausted.

* Children are not allowed in the Fitness Center without an adult at all times.


Web updated:  July 2004

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